Bold360 and BoldChat Developer Center

Android class reference

Bold360 Chat Window SDK for Android has the following packages:

Package com.boldchat.sdk

Interface Description
BoldChatFormView.SubmitListener Interface for listening to submit button click events.
BoldChatSession.BoldChatSessionListener Callback BoldChatSessionListener to receive events on major state changes of the chat session.
BoldChatSession.ChatFormListener Callback that will be called before a form is shown.
Class Description
BoldChatFormView This class dynamically builds a pre or post chat form based on a form definition sent from the server.
BoldChatSession Android UI component helper class for interacting with the Bold Chat API.

The builder class used to set up all the UI components for use by the BoldChatSession object.

BoldChatView This view is the easiest way to add BoldChat to your app.
Enum Description

Package com.boldchat.visitor.api

Interface Description
ActiveAssistListener Listener that will receive events about a new active assist session being started, or an active assist session being updated.
ChatAvailabilityListener Listener callback for the results of the Account.getChatAvailability(com.boldchat.visitor.api.ChatAvailabilityListener) method.
ChatFinishedListener Listener that will receive the result for Chat.finishChat(ChatFinishedListener)
ChatListener The listener that could be called at any time during an active chat session.
ChatMessageListener The listener that will receive events about new messages added to the chat.
ChatQueueListener This listener will be called if there is a chat queue waiting for an available operator.
ChatRecaptureListener The listener callback that will be notified if an operator has attempted to re-capture an attempted chat session while chat was unavailable.
ChatStartListener Listener callback that is called after the chat has started and the WebSocket connection has been established.
ChatTyperListener The listener that is called when an operator begins typing in the BoldChat client.
ChatUnavailableListener Listener callback that is used to return the result of Chat.getUnavailableForm(ChatUnavailableListener) .
CreateChatListener The listener callback from Account.createChat(CreateChatListener) that receives events about a chat being created.
LanguageChangeListener Listener callback for the results of the Chat.changeLanguage(String, LanguageChangeListener) method.
PostChatSubmitListener Callback for post chat forms that have been submitted.
Class Description
Account This class is the starting point for access the BoldChat API.
ActiveAssistSession Container class for information related to an Active Assist session.
Chat This class is the main class that will be used to interact with an active chat session.
ErrorCodes Values of known reasons a chat can end.
Form Container class for holding the information related to showing a form such as the Pre-Chat, or Post-Chat form to a user.
FormField Container class for information about an individual form field.
FormFieldOption Container class for storing information about an option for FormFieldType.Select or FormFieldType.Radio.
Message The container class for all information about a specific message.
PostChat Container class for a Post-Chat form.
PreChat Container class for a Pre-Chat form.
Typer Container class for information about a typer
UnavailableForm Container class for an Unavailable email form.
Enum Description
ActiveAssistType The possible types of active assist sessions.
EndedReason The types of reasons for a chat to end.
FormFieldType The type of a form field.
PersonType Defines the different types of people that may type or send messages
UnavailableReason The possible reasons for chat to be unavailable.