Bold360 and BoldChat Developer Center



Class BoldChatSession

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.boldchat.sdk.BoldChatSession

  • public class BoldChatSession
    extends java.lang.Object
    Android UI component helper class for interacting with the Bold Chat API. To get started using this class make a new instance of BoldChatSession.Builder with the required minimum arguments of accountI ID (assigned by BoldChat), and chat API access key (also assigned by bold chat). With this instance of Builder you can set up the various chat UI elements such as the message input area, a message history web view, and a send button. The chat session instance will be wired up to be able to handle the appropriate events from these views. After done setting up the Builder instance call
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class and Description
      static interface  BoldChatSession.BoldChatSessionListener
      Callback BoldChatSessionListener to receive events on major state changes of the chat session.
      static class  BoldChatSession.Builder
      The builder class used to set up all the UI components for use by the BoldChatSession object.
      static interface  BoldChatSession.ChatFormListener
      Callback that will be called before a form is shown.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void addMenuItems(android.view.MenuInflater inflater, android.view.Menu menu)
      Adds menu options related to the chat session.
      void closeChat()
      Close the chat, this also triggers a call to BoldChatSession.BoldChatSessionListener.chatSessionClosed().
      void endChat(boolean manuallyEnded)
      Ends the chat, and shows post-chat survey if enabled, otherwise calls BoldChatSession.BoldChatSessionListener.chatSessionClosed().
      void getChatAvailability(ChatAvailabilityListener availabilityListener)
      Gets the current status of chat availability.
      boolean isChatActive()
      Determines if the BoldChatSession object appears to have an active chat.
      boolean menuItemSelected(android.view.MenuItem item)
      When a menu item is selected, this method is used to notify the BoldChat session and give it an opportunity to process the selected item.
      void removeListener()
      Removes the listener if one is set, after calling this method no UI updates will occur.
      void setChatFormListener(BoldChatSession.ChatFormListener chatFormListener)
      Sets the listener that will be called before a form is shown.
      void setListener(BoldChatSession.BoldChatSessionListener boldChatSessionListener)
      Sets a listener that will be notified on status changes of the bc_chat session.
      void start()
      Starts the chat session, this should be called at the appropriate time after calling to begin the chat.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • addMenuItems

        public void addMenuItems(android.view.MenuInflater inflater,
                        android.view.Menu menu)
        Adds menu options related to the chat session.
        inflater - The menu inflater for the action bar.
        menu - The current menu for the action bar.
      • menuItemSelected

        public boolean menuItemSelected(android.view.MenuItem item)
        When a menu item is selected, this method is used to notify the BoldChat session and give it an opportunity to process the selected item. Ideally this method would be called from Activity.onMenuItemSelected(int, android.view.MenuItem), or
        item - The menu item that was selected.
        true if the menu item belonged to the BoldChat session and was processed, false for all other menu items.
      • start

        public void start()
        Starts the chat session, this should be called at the appropriate time after calling to begin the chat. For example this could be called from Activity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) or Activity.onResume(). This should only be called if you want to create a new chat, or if there is a chat already active you want to resume.
      • endChat

        public void endChat(boolean manuallyEnded)
        Ends the chat, and shows post-chat survey if enabled, otherwise calls BoldChatSession.BoldChatSessionListener.chatSessionClosed().
      • closeChat

        public void closeChat()
        Close the chat, this also triggers a call to BoldChatSession.BoldChatSessionListener.chatSessionClosed().
      • getChatAvailability

        public void getChatAvailability(ChatAvailabilityListener availabilityListener)
        Gets the current status of chat availability. Results will be cached for up to 5 minutes.
        availabilityListener - The listener to receive the current chat availability.
      • isChatActive

        public boolean isChatActive()
        Determines if the BoldChatSession object appears to have an active chat.
        true if there is an active chat, false otherwise.
      • setChatFormListener

        public void setChatFormListener(BoldChatSession.ChatFormListener chatFormListener)
        Sets the listener that will be called before a form is shown. This will give the listener an opportunity to pre-fill field values, hide fields, or prevent the form from showing entirely.
        chatFormListener - The listener to receive form events.
      • setListener

        public void setListener(BoldChatSession.BoldChatSessionListener boldChatSessionListener)
        Sets a listener that will be notified on status changes of the bc_chat session.
        boldChatSessionListener - The listener to receive the status events.
      • removeListener

        public void removeListener()
        Removes the listener if one is set, after calling this method no UI updates will occur. This should be called from onPause, onStop, or onDestroy. The listener can be re-registered using setListener(com.boldchat.sdk.BoldChatSession.BoldChatSessionListener).