Bold360 and BoldChat Developer Center



Class Chat

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.boldchat.visitor.api.Chat

  • public class Chat
    extends java.lang.Object

    This class is the main class that will be used to interact with an active chat session. You can register callback listeners which will receive updates and events related to the chat. An instance of this class can only be created by calling Account.createChat(CreateChatListener) or Account.createChat(CreateChatListener, boolean). Once an instance of this class has been obtained you should then register any listeners you want to receive events, then call startChat(ChatStartListener). If you register for an event after calling startChat(ChatStartListener) please be aware some messages may be lost.

    After the chat has been connected (as notified by events from ChatStartListener) then you can begin calling the api methods such as sendMessage(String).

    After a chat has ended you should always make a call to finishChat(ChatFinishedListener). This ensures that the server understands that the chat has ended, and allows you to retrieve any post-chat survey information.

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void acceptActiveAssist(ActiveAssistSession activeAssistSession)
      Notifies the server that the active assist session has been accepted by the visitor.
      void addActiveAssistListener(ActiveAssistListener listener)
      Add a listener that will receive messages about active assist sessions being started or updated.
      void addChatListener(ChatListener listener)
      Adds a listener that will receive updates when the status of this chat updates.
      void addMessageListener(ChatMessageListener listener)
      Add a listener that will receive new messages that are added to the chat.
      void addQueueListener(ChatQueueListener listener)
      Adds a listener that will receive queue update events.
      void addTyperListener(ChatTyperListener listener)
      Add a listener that will receive updates on the operator and visitor typing status.
      void cancelActiveAssist(ActiveAssistSession activeAssistSession)
      Notifies the server that the visitor has cancelled the active assist session.
      void changeLanguage(java.lang.String language, LanguageChangeListener languageChangeListener)
      Method used to change the language of the chat and retrieve a new set of branding values for the chosen language.
      void emailChatHistory(java.lang.String email)
      Sets the email address that will be sent a transcript of the chat when it completes.
      void finishChat(ChatFinishedListener listener)
      Ends the chat, this should always be called even if the chat has already been ended by the operator.
      Account getAccount()
      Retrieves the account object that created this object.
      java.util.Date getAnswered()
      Gets the answered date for this chat.
      int getAnswerTimeout()
      When AnswerTimeout is present, after that number of seconds has elapsed without the chat being answered, the client should call getUnavailableForm(ChatUnavailableListener) to end the chat and go to the unavailable form.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getBrandings()
      The Brandings are a set of key value pairs returned by the server that most commonly include text strings localized in the correct language.
      java.util.List<Message> getChatHistory()
      Returns a list of all messages that have been received by the server, this will not include messages that have been sent to the server, but not yet acknowledged.
      int getClientTimeout()
      Returns the maximum amount of time the server will wait before considering a chat abandoned.
      java.util.Date getEnded()
      Gets the date that either the operator or the visitor ended the chat.
      EndedReason getEndedReason()
      Gets the cause for the chat to end, or null if the chat has not yet ended.
      java.lang.String getLanguage() 
      java.util.Date getStarted() 
      java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,Typer> getTypers()
      Gets the set of known typers involved in this chat session.
      void getUnavailableForm(ChatUnavailableListener chatUnavailableListener) 
      long getVisitorID()
      Gets the visitor id for this chat.
      boolean isConnected()
      Determines the connection status of the connection to the BoldChat server.
      boolean isEnded()
      Convenience method to test if the chat has been ended either by the visitor or the operator.
      boolean isTimedOut() 
      void pingChat(boolean chatClosed, ChatRecaptureListener recaptureListener)
      Tells the server that the chat window is still open.
      void removeActiveAssistListener(ActiveAssistListener listener)
      Removes a listener
      void removeChatListener(ChatListener listener)
      Removes a listener
      void removeMessageListener(ChatMessageListener listener)
      Removes a listener
      void removeQueueListener(ChatQueueListener listener)
      Removes a listener
      void removeTyperListener(ChatTyperListener listener)
      Removes a listener
      long sendMessage(java.lang.String message)
      Send the message to the operator, this will immediately call the ChatMessageListener.onPreliminaryMessageAdded(Message) method, then later call the ChatMessageListener.onMessageAdded(Message) method after it has been fully received and processed by the server.
      void sendMessage(java.lang.String message, long messageID)
      Send the message to the operator, this will immediately call the ChatMessageListener.onPreliminaryMessageAdded(Message) method, then later call the ChatMessageListener.onMessageAdded(Message) method after it has been fully received and processed by the server.
      void setVisitorName(java.lang.String visitorName)
      Sets the name of the visitor.
      void setVisitorTyping(boolean visitorTyping)
      Sets the status indicating the visitor is typing in the message input field.
      void startChat(ChatStartListener listener)
      This method starts the created chat, and establishes all networking for communication while the chat is active.
      void submitPostChat(Form postChat, PostChatSubmitListener submitListener)
      Submits the post-chat data.
      void submitPreChat(Form formData, ChatStartListener listener)
      This call submits the information gathered on the Pre-Chat form.
      void submitUnavailableEmail(Form formData)
      Submits the unavailable form data to the server.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • getVisitorID

        public long getVisitorID()
        Gets the visitor id for this chat. If this is the first time this app install has chatted then this value should be saved and all subsequent uses of the Account object should set Account.setVisitorID(long) with the saved value before calling Account.createChat(CreateChatListener).
        the visitor ID for this chat.
      • getAccount

        public Account getAccount()
        Retrieves the account object that created this object.
        The account that created this chat.
      • getStarted

        public java.util.Date getStarted()
        Gets the time that the chat was started, or null if the chat has not yet been started.
      • getAnswered

        public java.util.Date getAnswered()
        Gets the answered date for this chat. This may return null if the chat has not yet been answered.
        The answered date, or null if the chat is not answered.
      • getEnded

        public java.util.Date getEnded()
        Gets the date that either the operator or the visitor ended the chat. This value may be null if the chat is still active.
        The ended date, or null if the chat is still active.
      • isEnded

        public boolean isEnded()
        Convenience method to test if the chat has been ended either by the visitor or the operator.
        true if the chat is ended, false otherwise.
      • getEndedReason

        public EndedReason getEndedReason()
        Gets the cause for the chat to end, or null if the chat has not yet ended.
        The ended reason for the chat, or null if the chat is still active.
      • addChatListener

        public void addChatListener(ChatListener listener)
        Adds a listener that will receive updates when the status of this chat updates.
        listener - The listener for the chat status events.
      • removeChatListener

        public void removeChatListener(ChatListener listener)
        Removes a listener
        listener - The listener to remove
      • addQueueListener

        public void addQueueListener(ChatQueueListener listener)
        Adds a listener that will receive queue update events. If the chat is currently in a queue this listener will periodically be called to update the visitor on their position in the queue.
        listener - The listener to receive queue updates
      • removeQueueListener

        public void removeQueueListener(ChatQueueListener listener)
        Removes a listener
        listener - The listener to remove
      • addMessageListener

        public void addMessageListener(ChatMessageListener listener)
        Add a listener that will receive new messages that are added to the chat.
        listener - The listener for new messages.
      • removeMessageListener

        public void removeMessageListener(ChatMessageListener listener)
        Removes a listener
        listener - The listener to remove
      • addTyperListener

        public void addTyperListener(ChatTyperListener listener)
        Add a listener that will receive updates on the operator and visitor typing status.
        listener - The listener for typing status updates.
      • removeTyperListener

        public void removeTyperListener(ChatTyperListener listener)
        Removes a listener
        listener - The listener to remove
      • addActiveAssistListener

        public void addActiveAssistListener(ActiveAssistListener listener)
        Add a listener that will receive messages about active assist sessions being started or updated.
        listener - The listener to receive active assist messages.
      • removeActiveAssistListener

        public void removeActiveAssistListener(ActiveAssistListener listener)
        Removes a listener
        listener - The listener to remove
      • submitPreChat

        public void submitPreChat(Form formData,
                         ChatStartListener listener)
        This call submits the information gathered on the Pre-Chat form. This method will NOT start the chat. This method behaves the same as if you called startChat(ChatStartListener).
        formData -
        listener - The listener that should be called when the chat is started since this submit method behaves the same as a call to startChat(ChatStartListener)
      • startChat

        public void startChat(ChatStartListener listener)
        This method starts the created chat, and establishes all networking for communication while the chat is active. This call should be made after the call to Account.createChat(CreateChatListener). If there is pre-chat forms this method call should not be made until after the method call to submitPreChat(Form, ChatStartListener).
        listener - The callback listener that will be notified on the success (or failure) of starting the chat.
      • submitUnavailableEmail

        public void submitUnavailableEmail(Form formData)
        Submits the unavailable form data to the server.
        formData - The keys and values for the unavailable form.
      • setVisitorTyping

        public void setVisitorTyping(boolean visitorTyping)
        Sets the status indicating the visitor is typing in the message input field.
        visitorTyping - True if the visitor is typing, or false if the visitor has stopped typing.
      • setVisitorName

        public void setVisitorName(java.lang.String visitorName)
        Sets the name of the visitor. This affects the visitor name label the operator sees, as well as the label the visitor sees for their own messages.
        visitorName -
      • sendMessage

        public long sendMessage(java.lang.String message)
        Send the message to the operator, this will immediately call the ChatMessageListener.onPreliminaryMessageAdded(Message) method, then later call the ChatMessageListener.onMessageAdded(Message) method after it has been fully received and processed by the server.
        message - The message to send.
        The identifier for the message, this is used to match the preliminary message added, with the real one processed by the server.
      • sendMessage

        public void sendMessage(java.lang.String message,
                       long messageID)
        Send the message to the operator, this will immediately call the ChatMessageListener.onPreliminaryMessageAdded(Message) method, then later call the ChatMessageListener.onMessageAdded(Message) method after it has been fully received and processed by the server.
        message - The message to send.
        messageID - The identifier for the message, this is used to match the preliminary message added, with the real one processed by the server.
      • getUnavailableForm

        public void getUnavailableForm(ChatUnavailableListener chatUnavailableListener)
      • getClientTimeout

        public int getClientTimeout()
        Returns the maximum amount of time the server will wait before considering a chat abandoned.
        The amount of time in seconds
      • finishChat

        public void finishChat(ChatFinishedListener listener)
        Ends the chat, this should always be called even if the chat has already been ended by the operator. This method call is the only way to retrieve the Post-Chat form data.
        listener - The listener that will be notified on the completion of the finishChat call.
      • submitPostChat

        public void submitPostChat(Form postChat,
                          PostChatSubmitListener submitListener)
        Submits the post-chat data. If "email" is passed in the Data, a visitor chat transcript will be emailed in addition to storing the post-chat data on the chat record.
        postChat - The form data to be submitted.
      • pingChat

        public void pingChat(boolean chatClosed,
                    ChatRecaptureListener recaptureListener)
        Tells the server that the chat window is still open. From the createChat call until the chat is completely done and closed this should be called every 30 seconds.
        chatClosed - When the window is closed, you can call pingChat with Closed set to true to update the server immediately with this information
        recaptureListener - The listener that will be notified if an operator attempts to re-capture a chat that was denied to to operator availability.
      • acceptActiveAssist

        public void acceptActiveAssist(ActiveAssistSession activeAssistSession)
        Notifies the server that the active assist session has been accepted by the visitor.
        activeAssistSession - The active assist session that is being accepted.
      • cancelActiveAssist

        public void cancelActiveAssist(ActiveAssistSession activeAssistSession)
        Notifies the server that the visitor has cancelled the active assist session.
        activeAssistSession - The active assist session to cancel.
      • isConnected

        public boolean isConnected()
        Determines the connection status of the connection to the BoldChat server.
        true if the socket is still connected, false if the socket is disconnected, or the chat has ended.
      • isTimedOut

        public boolean isTimedOut()
        Determines if the connection has timed out by measuring the last time a heartbeat was received against the current time.
      • emailChatHistory

        public void emailChatHistory(java.lang.String email)
        Sets the email address that will be sent a transcript of the chat when it completes.
        email - The email address
      • changeLanguage

        public void changeLanguage(java.lang.String language,
                          LanguageChangeListener languageChangeListener)
        Method used to change the language of the chat and retrieve a new set of branding values for the chosen language.
        language - The language to change.
        languageChangeListener - The callback listener that will be notified with the new values.
      • getTypers

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,Typer> getTypers()
        Gets the set of known typers involved in this chat session.
        The list of typers.
      • getBrandings

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> getBrandings()
        The Brandings are a set of key value pairs returned by the server that most commonly include text strings localized in the correct language. This method returns the most recent set of branding values that have been returned by the server either from Account.createChat(CreateChatListener), or changeLanguage(String, LanguageChangeListener).
        The most recent set of brandings available, or null if no branding values have been received.
      • getLanguage

        public java.lang.String getLanguage()
        Returns the language for the current set of brandings.
      • getChatHistory

        public java.util.List<Message> getChatHistory()
        Returns a list of all messages that have been received by the server, this will not include messages that have been sent to the server, but not yet acknowledged.
        The list of messages received by the server.
      • getAnswerTimeout

        public int getAnswerTimeout()
        When AnswerTimeout is present, after that number of seconds has elapsed without the chat being answered, the client should call getUnavailableForm(ChatUnavailableListener) to end the chat and go to the unavailable form.
        The number of seconds to wait for an operator to answer the chat.