Bold360 and BoldChat Developer Center



Class FormField

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.boldchat.visitor.api.FormField

  • public class FormField
    extends java.lang.Object
    Container class for information about an individual form field. This class also contains the value to be submitted.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      java.lang.String getAdditionalHeading() 
      FormFieldOption getDefaultOption() 
      java.lang.String getKey() 
      java.lang.String getLabel() 
      java.lang.String getLabelBrandingKey() 
      java.util.List<FormFieldOption> getOptions()
      If the field is FormFieldType.Select or FormFieldType.Radio then this method returns all the options that should be given to the user.
      FormFieldType getType() 
      java.lang.String getValue() 
      boolean isDepartmentStatusVisible()
      If the field is type FormFieldType.Select and is a BoldChat department selection type of field then this field indicates if the online/offline status of the department should be shown to the user.
      boolean isFloatToTop() 
      boolean isMultiLine() 
      boolean isRequired() 
      boolean isVisible() 
      void removeOption(FormFieldOption option)
      Removes the option from the list of available options.
      void setAdditionalHeading(java.lang.String additionalHeading) 
      void setFloatToTop(boolean floatToTop)
      Sets the field to float to the top of the form so it appears above the title.
      void setValue(java.lang.String value) 
      void setVisible(boolean isVisible) 
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        public FormFieldType getType()
        The type of the form field
      • getKey

        public java.lang.String getKey()
        When submitting this is the key field that the server will be expecting.
      • isMultiLine

        public boolean isMultiLine()
        If the text field is FormFieldType.Text then this field indicates if the text input field should have multiple lines.
      • getLabel

        public java.lang.String getLabel()
        Gets the prompt label for the form field.
      • getLabelBrandingKey

        public java.lang.String getLabelBrandingKey()
        Gets the branding value key that should be used for the label, or null if this is a custom field. If this retursn null then getLabel() should be used instead.
      • isRequired

        public boolean isRequired()
        Indicates if there should be validation on this field to ensure the user enters information, or selects a value.
      • getOptions

        public java.util.List<FormFieldOption> getOptions()
        If the field is FormFieldType.Select or FormFieldType.Radio then this method returns all the options that should be given to the user.
        The options for the selection or radio field.
      • isDepartmentStatusVisible

        public boolean isDepartmentStatusVisible()
        If the field is type FormFieldType.Select and is a BoldChat department selection type of field then this field indicates if the online/offline status of the department should be shown to the user.
        True if the status should be shown, false otherwise
      • setValue

        public void setValue(java.lang.String value)
        value - The value for the form field to be submitted to the server.
      • getValue

        public java.lang.String getValue()
        Gets the value that has been set for this field, or null if is unset.
      • getAdditionalHeading

        public java.lang.String getAdditionalHeading()
        Gets an additional header that should appear above the form field.
      • getDefaultOption

        public FormFieldOption getDefaultOption()
        If the field is type FormFieldType.Select this value is the option that should be selected by default.
      • isVisible

        public boolean isVisible()
        Determines if the field should be shown to the user or not.
      • setVisible

        public void setVisible(boolean isVisible)
        isVisible - The visibility of this field for the user.
      • setAdditionalHeading

        public void setAdditionalHeading(java.lang.String additionalHeading)
        additionalHeading - This sets an additional header text on above the form field.
      • removeOption

        public void removeOption(FormFieldOption option)
        Removes the option from the list of available options.
        option - The option to remove.
      • setFloatToTop

        public void setFloatToTop(boolean floatToTop)
        Sets the field to float to the top of the form so it appears above the title.
        floatToTop - true if it should be at the top.
      • isFloatToTop

        public boolean isFloatToTop()
        true if the field should be above the title of the form, false otherwise.