Bold360 and BoldChat Developer Center


Try these tricks if you encounter issues when testing your web pages or applications.

You don't see any widget when testing a web page stored as a local file:

  • For certain types of widgets and browsers, you may not see the widget if you load the page using the file:// protocol. Instead, load the pages using a local HTTP server (localhost). If you need instructions, search the web for Set up a local testing server. This issue is particularly common when using the Microsoft Edge browser and with the dynamic FAQ widget.

You don't see the widget changes you expect:

  • Try refreshing the page or clear the cache. We know that's obvious, but we forget sometimes.
  • If you are using a floating widget in conversational mode, type RESET in the widget to clear the widget history.
  • If a widget in a page you are developing will not allow you to type a query, load a separate web page that contains a conversational widget that is functioning correctly. Type RESET in that widget to clear the widget history. This should also reset the widget in the page you are developing.

Your widget doesn't behave the way you expect:

  • Make sure you have used the browser's Developer Tools and check for syntax errors.
  • If you are defining several widget methods using the Web API, make sure there is a comma after each function.
  • Make sure any necessary objects (such as a channel object) are defined.

You encounter errors when using the REST API:

  • If you receive the HTTP status code 400 for the login request, your login request syntax was illegal. Check to make sure all the required parameters are specified.
  • If the session ID is expired, you will receive an HTTP status code of 400. Send a request for a new session ID.