Bold360 and BoldChat Developer Center

<BCCreateChatSessionDelegate> Protocol Reference

The delegate callback from BCAccount::accountWithAccessKey: that receives events about a chat being created. More...

#import <BCCreateChatSessionDelegate.h>

Inheritance diagram for <BCCreateChatSessionDelegate>:

Instance Methods

(void) - bcAccount:didCreateChatWithoutPreChat:andDidStartChat:
 The chat session was created without having pre chat and the chat was started. More...
(void) - bcAccount:didCreateChat:withPreChat:
 The chat session was created, pre chat needs to be filled. More...
(void) - bcAccount:didCreateChat:unavailableWithReason:unavailableForm:unavailableMessage:
 The chat is currently unavailable. More...
(void) - bcAccount:didFailToCreateWithError:
 The chat failed to be created. More...

Detailed Description

The delegate callback from BCAccount::accountWithAccessKey: that receives events about a chat being created.

Version 1.0

Method Documentation

- (void) bcAccount: (BCAccount *)  account
didCreateChat: (id< BCChatSession >)  chatSession
unavailableWithReason: (BCUnavailableReason)  reason
unavailableForm: (BCForm *)  unavailableForm
unavailableMessage: (NSString *)  message 

The chat is currently unavailable.

accountThe account that created the chat.
chatSessionThe created chat session.
reasonThe reason for chat to be unavailable.
unavailableFormThe unavailable chat form.
messageThe textural description of unavailable reason.
Version 1.0
- (void) bcAccount: (BCAccount *)  account
didCreateChat: (id< BCChatSession >)  chatSession
withPreChat: (BCForm *)  preChat 

The chat session was created, pre chat needs to be filled.

accountThe account that created the chat.
chatSessionThe created chat session.
preChatThe pre chat form.
Version 1.0
- (void) bcAccount: (BCAccount *)  account
didCreateChatWithoutPreChat: (id< BCChatSession >)  chatSession
andDidStartChat: (id< BCChat >)  chat 

The chat session was created without having pre chat and the chat was started.

accountThe account that created the chat.
chatSessionThe created chat session.
chatThe created and started chat. The delegates need to be added here to tha chat.
Version 1.0
- (void) bcAccount: (BCAccount *)  account
didFailToCreateWithError: (NSError *)  error 

The chat failed to be created.

accountThe account that created the chat.
errorThe error description about the failure. Check error.code with BCErrorCodes.h to get the exact error.
Version 1.0

The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: