Bold360 and BoldChat Developer Center


Returns conversions for a folder based on the Created date. Results can be filtered and paged.

Input parameters

Parameter Type Required Description


numeric - ID code


The identifier of the folder to retrieve data from.


date - ISO / UTC


The start date.


date - ISO / UTC


The end date.




Tells the server the next page of data to retrieve. This parameter should be the same value as what was returned in the response field "NextPage" by the previous call.

Request format

curl "$accountID/data/rest/json/v1/getConversions?auth=$authHash&FolderID=$FolderID"

Return values

Parameters are provided in alphabetic order. See Sample code for probable output.

Parameter Type Description
CallInvitationTemplateVariantID numeric - ID code ID of the template used to create the call invite.
CallStatusType integer Call status of visit when conversion occurred.
ChatInvitationTemplateVariantID numeric - ID code ID of the invitation template which holds different customer settings (e.g. logo url, style, etc.)
ChatStatusType integer Status of the chat at conversion (e.g. none, chat was unavailable, chat was blocked, etc), there are 16 types, more info in ConversionInfo / The most recent state that chat was in at the time of the chat closing. The legend of statuses is:
  • 0 - None
  • 1 - Pre-chat form
  • 2 - In chat
  • 3 - Pre-chat form closed
  • 4 - Chat ended
  • 5 - Transcript
  • 6 - Sent transcript
  • 7 - Unavailable
  • 8 - Sent unavailable
  • 9 - Chat ended answered
  • 10 - Unavailable blocked
  • 11 - Unavailable max queue
  • 12 - Unavailable hours
  • 13 - Sent unavailable blocked
  • 14 - Sent unavailable max queue
  • 15 - Unavailable limit
  • 16 - Sent unavailable limit
  • 17 - Unsecure
ConversionAmount integer The monetary value given to this conversion.
ConversionCodeID numeric - ID code The ID of the conversion code to be generated.
ConversionID numeric - ID code The ID assigned to this conversion.
ConversionInfo string (max) Text content maintained with a specific conversion.
ConversionRef string The conversion reference value for the conversion (must be unique per conversion code).
CountryCode code - ISO 3166 ISO 2-letter country code (e.g. US).
Created date - ISO / UTC Date the record was created.
Data text - heading  
EntryUrl string - legal URL The initial landing page of the customer after being referred from the refererUrl location.
ExperimentDate date - ISO/UTC Date and time when the experiment actions are selected (on each new visit).
Experiments string (max) Byte array, where every index represents an experiment and every value represents the selected action for the given experiment.
FolderID numeric The ID of the folder.
InviteStatusType integer Visit invite status type:
  • 0 - None
  • 1 - Auto inviting
  • 2 - Manual inviting
  • 3 - Auto invite accepted
  • 4 - Manual invite accepted
  • 5 - Auto invite declined
  • 6 - Manual invite declined
  • 7 - Auto invite ignored
  • 8 - Manual invite ignored
  • 9 - Chat Recovery Inviting
  • 10 - Chat Recovery Accepted
  • 11 - Chat Recovery Declined
  • 12 - Chat Recovery Ignored
  • 13 - Customer qualified for invite, but IP address is blocked
  • 14 - Customer qualified for invite, but no agents were available
  • 15 - Customer qualified for invite, but chat queue size is too big
  • 16 - Customer qualified for invite, but not in hours of operation
Keywords string List of keywords for online search optimization.
LastAssignedByOperatorID numeric - ID code ID of the agent who most recently assigned the chat. Null value indicates that the agent has not reassigned the chat.
NextPage string If the method called supports it, and the data is truncated, the NextPage parameter will contain the necessary information to pass back to the same server method to get the next page of results.
OperatorActionType integer How the customer interaction with the operator was initiated:
  • 0 - Button click
  • 2 - Agent invited
  • 4 - Auto-invited
OperatorCount integer The total number of agents that could have been given credit for this conversion.
OperatorID numeric - ID code  
OperatorStatusType integer The type of interaction the operator had with the customer:
  • 0 - Chat in previous visit
  • 1 - Call in previous visit
  • 2 - Chat in current visit
  • 3 - Call in current visit
PageViewCount   Number of pages a visitor viewed during their current session.
PageViewID numeric - ID code A numeric identifier for a specific page view.
RefererID numeric - ID code ID of the referrer - for conversions
RefererQuery string The search query, if recognized, given by the refererUrl used to refer the visitor to the site.
RefererUrl string - legal URL The referring location given credit for referring the customer to the site initially to make the conversion.
RegionCode codes - ISO 3166 The geographical state/province.
Truncated text - heading  
VisitCount integer The total number of visits to the site prior to conversion.
VisitCreated date - ISO / UTC Date and time when the customer's site visit was created.
VisitID numeric - ID code The identifier of a specific visit.
VisitorID numeric - ID code ID of the visitor / customer to whom this visit belongs.
WebsiteDefID numeric - ID code System-assigned ID of the website associated with the chat.