Bold360 and BoldChat Developer Center

Creating Chat Session

The chat session is the most important concept of a chat process.

It leads through the states of the chat process, enabling to perform the next step needed, and disabling actions that should not be done at the moment. It builds up pre, post and unavailable chat forms, and submits the answers of the user. It does not handle the chatting directly. Instead, it instantiates the chat object for that.

To create a chat session use the following code:

id <BCCancelable> cancelable = [account createChatSessionWithDelegate:<create chat session delegate> language:<language string> visitorId:<customer Id> skipPreChat:YES/NO externalParams:<external params>];

The language of the chat can be set explicitly here. The language parameter must be an ISO 639-1 language code optionally followed by a dash then an ISO 3166-1 country code (en-US). If a language code is passed that is not recognized or supported en-US strings will be returned instead. If this parameter is not set, the application language will be tried to use.

The list of supported languages can be set per application. The current system supports the following languages:

af-ZA - Afrikaans de-DE - German pl-PL - Polish
ar - Arabic el-GR - Greek pt-PT - Portuguese
bn-BD - Bengali he-IL - Hebrew pt-BR - Portuguese (Brazilian)
bg-BG - Bulgarian hi-IN - Hindi pa-IN - Punjabi
zh-CN - Chinese (Simplified) hu-HU - Hungarian ro-RO - Romanian
zh-TW - Chinese (Traditional) is-IS - Icelandic ru-RU - Russian
hr-HR - Croatian id-ID - Indonesian sk-SK - Slovak
cs-CZ - Czech ga-IE - Irish es-ES - Spanish
da-DK - Danish it-IT - Italian sv-SE - Swedish
nl-NL - Dutch ja-JP - Japanese th-TH - Thai
en-GB - English (United Kingdom) ko-KR - Korean tr-TR - Turkish
fi-FI - Finnish ms-MY - Malay uk-UA - Ukranian
fr-FR - French nb-NO - Norwegian (Bokmal) vi-VN - Vietnamese
fr-CA - French (Canadian) nn-NO - Norwegian (Nynorsk)

The visitorId is optional. If not set, a random one is assigned to the user at every chat creation. The assigned visitorId can be obtained from chatSession when created. It is for tracking the customer and for the implementation of customer blocking.

If pre-chat is defined for the chat, the developer can force to skip it by skipPreChat parameter. Pre defined values of pre and post chat form fields can be set through extraParams dictionary. The pre-defined set of extra parameter keys are defined in BCAccount.h

Variable Reference in BCAccount.h Name as External Parameter Description
BCFormFieldLanguage language Language string
BCFormFieldDepartment department The ID of the department of the chat
BCFormFieldFirstName first_name The name of the customer
BCFormFieldName name The name of the customer (synonymous with first_name)
BCFormFieldLastName last_name The last name of the customer
BCFormFieldPhone phone The phone number of the customer
BCFormFieldEmail email The email of the customer
BCFormFieldInitialQuestion initial_question The initial question for the chat (which will show as the first chat message in the chat from the customer)
BCFormFieldReference reference The customer reference value that appears in the client
BCFormFieldInformation information The customer info value that appears in the client
BCFormFieldOverall overall Survey overall response value. The value needs to given in NSNumber
BCFormFieldKnowledge knowledge Survey knowledge response value. The value needs to given in NSNumber
BCFormFieldResponsiveness responsiveness Survey responsiveness response value. The value needs to given in NSNumber
BCFormFieldProfessionalism professionalism Survey professionalism response value. The value needs to given in NSNumber
BCFormFieldComments comments Survey comments response value
BCFormFieldCustomUrl CustomUrl Custom redirect URL

The delegate of the request receives the result of creating a chat.

- (void)bcAccount:(BCAccount *)account didCreateChatWithoutPreChat:(id<BCChatSession>)chatSession andDidStartChat:(id<BCChat>)chat {
    // The chat session was created. There is no defined pre-chat for the customer. 
    // The chat instance is also created and started, delegates can be added.
- (void)bcAccount:(BCAccount *)account didCreateChat:(id<BCChatSession>)chatSession withPreChat:(BCForm *)preChat {
    // The chat session was created with a pre-chat form that needs to be filled.
- (void)bcAccount:(BCAccount *)account didCreateChat:(id<BCChatSession>)chatSession unavailableWithReason:(BCUnavailableReason)reason unavailableForm:(BCForm *)unavailableForm unavailableMessage:(NSString *)message {
    // The chat is unavailable for the reason set in reason variable defined in [Chat availability checking]. 
    // The unavailable form set for this case is also given in unavailableForm. If it is empty, the chat session ended.
    // Message can be presented that is a textural description for the current unavailable reason.
- (void)bcAccount:(BCAccount *)account didFailToCreateWithError:(NSError *)error {
    //Failed to create chat session.
    //Check error.code to values from BCErrorCodes.h to find out the cause of the error.

In the following sections there are many properties that hold string keys for localization. The actual localization or branding dictionary is available through chatSession.branding property, after the session is created, or the language is changed.