Bold360 and BoldChat Developer Center


Returns complete detail for a specified chat.

Input parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
ChatID numeric - ID code Yes The identifier of the chat to retrieve

Request format

curl "$accountID/data/rest/json/v1/getChat?auth=$authHash&ChatID=$ChatID"

Return values

Parameters are provided in alphabetic order. See Sample code for probable output.

Parameter Type Description
AccountID numeric - ID code Bold360 product account ID.
ACDAssignmentExpires date - ISO/UTC Date and time when the current chat assignment by the ACD expires.
ACDReassignCount integer The number of operator reassignments through Automatic Chat Distribution (ACD) for a specific chat.
ActiveAssistDisabled integer Indicates whether ActiveAssist/co-browse is disabled on a chat window:
  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled
ActiveAssistStatus integer Indicates whether an ActiveAssist/co-browse session was started during a chat:
  • 0 - No ActiveAssist
  • 1 - Activated
  • 2 - Deactivated
  • 3 - Pending
Answered date - ISO/UTC Date and time when the chat was most recently answered.
AreaCode code - UNSD M49 area code Telephone area code for the region, typically captured in the pre-chat survey.
AssignedByAPI integer Indicates whether the chat was created by the Bold360 API:
  • 0 - False
  • 1 - True
AutoAnswerQuestionCount integer Number of questions the customer submitted to Bold360 auto answers view.
AutoTranslate integer Indicates whether Auto Translation was used for the chat:
  • 0 - No auto translation
  • 1 - Auto translation on
AutoTranslateAllowOriginal integer Indicates whether it is allowed to display the original message as typed before Geofluent provides translation:
  • 0 - Not allowed
  • 1 - Allowed
Availability integer The availability of the chat. Can be:
  • 1 - Available
  • 2 - Unavailable - reason unknown
  • 3 - Unavailable - number of chats waiting and in progress exceeds the queue size limit
  • 4 - Unavailable - no operators are logged in as available
  • 5 - Unavailable - the customer has been blocked
  • 6 - Unavailable - currently outside the operating hours for the given WebsiteID
  • 7 - Unavailable - chat requires validation and has not been validated
BlockedBy string Name of the operator who blocked a chat. <None> or null value indicates that the chat was not blocked.
ChatAPISettingsID numeric - ID code ID of the Bold360 API key associated with the chat.
ChatButtonDefID numeric - ID code ID of the Bold360 chat button associated with the chat.
ChatID numeric - ID code Bold360 unique identifier for the chat session.
ChatName string The name of the customer, captured within the VisitName parameter or through Name in pre-chat survey.
ChatStatusType integer Status of the chat at conversion (e.g. none, chat was unavailable, chat was blocked, etc), there are 16 types, more info in ConversionInfo / The most recent state that chat was in at the time of the chat closing. The legend of statuses is:
  • 0 - None
  • 1 - Pre-chat form
  • 2 - In chat
  • 3 - Pre-chat form closed
  • 4 - Chat ended
  • 5 - Transcript
  • 6 - Sent transcript
  • 7 - Unavailable
  • 8 - Sent unavailable
  • 9 - Chat ended answered
  • 10 - Unavailable blocked
  • 11 - Unavailable max queue
  • 12 - Unavailable hours
  • 13 - Sent unavailable blocked
  • 14 - Sent unavailable max queue
  • 15 - Unavailable limit
  • 16 - Sent unavailable limit
  • 17 - Unsecure
ChatType (aka ChatLaunchType) integer Type of the chat at the start or after someone tried to start it:
  • 0 - Visitor stated the chat with an agent
  • 1 - Agent initiated the chat (using auto invite)
  • 2 - Agent invited the customer to chat (using custom invite)
  • 3 - Agent was unavailable
  • 4 - Auto-invited chat
  • 5 - Blocked chat
  • 6 - Recovery invite
  • 7 - XMPP chat
  • 8 - Chat started via API
ChatUrl string - legal URL Specific web address where the chat engagement was started from.
ChatWindowDefID numeric - ID code ID of the chat window associated with the chat.
City string - ISO 3166 City of the visitor or customer.
ClientType integer The type of the Bold360 client used for Chat:
  • 0 - Normal
  • 1 - iPhone
  • 2 - Web
  • 3 - Visitor
  • 4 - Call
  • 5 - Offline
  • 6 - Web Mobile
  • 7 - Login
  • 8 - Enabled
  • 9 - Dashboard
  • 10 - Bold360 Agent Workspace
Closed date - ISO/UTC Date and time the transaction - visit, chat, etc. - closed.
CountryCode code - ISO 3166 ISO 2-letter country code (e.g. US).
Created date - ISO/UTC Date and time when the target resource was created.
CustomField1ID numeric - ID code ID of the Custom Field 1 label applied to a chat during post-chat wrap-up. Retrievable using FolderType=32. <None> or null refers to no Custom Field 1 label present on a chat.
CustomField2ID numeric -ID code ID of the Custom Field 2 label applied to a chat during post-chat wrap-up. Retrievable using FolderType=33. <None> or null refers to no Custom Field 2 label present on a chat.
CustomFields string (max) Free-form parameter where custom data is passed into and stored within a chat record.
CustomUrl string - legal URL The custom URL for the chat, which differs from the page of origin (that is, the customer's current page). This can be useful for identifying a URL or page that would normally be blocked due to business rules that prevents the page from being displayed because of dynamic or sensitive information.
Data text - heading JSON array heading that precedes report data output.
Deleted date - ISO / UTC Date and time when the item was deleted. The value is null if the item was not deleted.
DeletedBy string (max) The name of the agent who deleted the item. <None> or null value indicates that the <resource> was not deleted.
DepartmentID numeric - ID code ID of the department.
Departments text - heading Heading for an array of department data.
DueDate date - ISO / UTC Not in use - parameter is obsolete.
Embedded integer The type of the chat window:
  • 0 - Pop-up window
  • 1 - Layered window
Ended date - ISO/UTC Date and time visit or chat ended.
EndedBy numeric - ID code The system ID of the individual who ended the chat - operator, customer, etc.
EndedReasonType integer Reason why the chat was ended:
  • null - unknown
  • 0 - unknown
  • 1 - ended by operator
  • 2 - ended by customer
  • 3 - disconnected
  • 4 - bot timeout
  • 5 - auto-ended, for example due to customer timeout
ExperimentDate date - ISO/UTC Date and time when the experiment actions are selected (on each new visit).
Experiments string (max) Byte array, where every index represents an experiment and every value represents the selected action for the given experiment.
ExternalCrmItemID numeric - ID code Type of the linked CRM item:
  • C - Contact
  • L - Lead
ExternalCrmListID numeric - ID code  
ExternalCrmType integer Type of CRM linked to the chat:
  • 0 - None
  • 1 - Salesforce
  • 2 - Icontact
  • 4 - new Salesforce
Flagged Boolean Indicates whether the chat flag was raised within Bold360.
FlaggedBy string Indicates the name of the agent who flagged a chat. <None> or null indicates that the chat was not flagged.
FolderID numeric The ID of the folder.
IncidentID numeric - ID code The identifier for the incident.
InitialDepartmentID numeric - ID code ID of the department that the chat record was first assigned to.
InitialQuestion string (max) The initial query sent in by the customer in the pre-chat survey.
InvitationTemplateVariantID numeric - ID code ID for an alternate invitation template.
IP string - legal URL IP address of the customer's device connecting to Bold360.
LanguageCode code - ISO 639 The language of the chat, based on two-letter ISO 639-1 standard.
LastACDStarted date - ISO / UTC Date and time when the last event of the ACD routing began.
LastAssignedAnswered date - ISO / UTC Date and time when the most recently reassigned agent answered the chat.
LastAssignedByOperatorID numeric - ID code ID of the agent who most recently assigned the chat. Null value indicates that the agent has not reassigned the chat.
LastMessagePersonType integer Type of the person who sent the last message:
  • 0 - Operator
  • 1 - Customer
  • 4 - Bold360 or BoldChat5 - LogMeIn Rescue
  • 6 - Auto message as set up in the chat window definition
  • 7 - Agent interpreter (set if auto-translation was used when the message was sent)
  • 8 - Customer interpreter (set if auto-translation was used when the message was sent)
  • 11 - Agent speech recognition (used during video chat if speech-to-text is enabled)
Values range from 0 to 12. Do not use the unlisted values as they are obsolete and are not handled.
LastName string Last name of the customer (e.g. from pre-chat form).
LastOperatorLanguageCode code - ISO 639 The language of the most-recently assigned chat agent, based on two-letter ISO 639-1 standard.
LastVideoSessionID numeric - ID code The ID of the most recent video chat session started during a chat.
LastVisitorMessageSent date - ISO / UTC Date and time when the customer's most recent message was received.
Load integer The difficulty of the chat as defined by the rules engine. The value null indicates that difficulty is undefined.
MaxQueuePosition integer The highest position of the chat in the chat queue.
OperatorCustomFields string Storage parameter for unspecified operator content.
OperatorID numeric - ID code System-assigned ID of the operator.
OperatorLanguageCode code - ISO 639 The language of the chat operator.
OperatorMessageCount integer The number of operator-sent messages.
PageType integer The last page of a chat window presented to a customer - The legend of page types is:
  • 0 - The "final" page type (where the chat window is closed)
  • 1 - The main chat page
  • 5 - The post-chat survey form
  • 6 - The pre-chat survey form
  • 7 - The unavailable email form
  • 9 - The "browser unsupported" page
  • 10 - The post-chat survey submitted notice page
  • 11 - The unavailable email submitted notice page
  • 12 - The "no operators" page shown when there's no unavailable email form
  • 14 - The "chat not validated" page shown when validation fails
PostChatCustomFieldAnswerStatus integer The customer interaction with the end-of-chat survey form:
  • 0 - Customer did not answer
  • 1 - Customer answered some
  • 4 - Customer answered all
Priority integer Indicates the priority/urgency of a chat as defined by the rules engine:
  • 0 - Lowest
  • 1 - Low
  • 2 - Normal
  • 3 - High
  • 4 - Highest
RedirectStatus integer This parameter is obsolete.
RegionCode codes - ISO 3166 The geographical state/province.
RelatedToItemID numeric - ID code ID assigned to relate VisitRef and ContactId from found contact record.
RelatedToItemType integer Filled in by system when relating from VisitRef and set contact folder type (byte).
RequestedOperatorID numeric - ID code The operator ID of an operator requested by the customer.
ResponseMessageCount integer The number of message responses that the agent sent to the customer since the customer's last message.
ReverseIP string - legal URL The IP address of a customer's device used for reverse DNS lookup.
ScheduleHistoryToEmailAddress string - legal email The email address where Bold360 sends the chat transcript.
Secured integer Indicates if the chat was secured through a validated chat:
  • 0 - Unsecured
  • 1 - Secured
Started date - ISO / UTC Date and time when a chat was started within the chat queue.
Status codes - set values "Success" when the call completes; "Error" when the call fails.
SurveyComments string Customer-provided comments in a post-chat survey, only available when customer survey is enabled.
SurveyKnowledge integer A 1-5 rating of the agent's knowledge, only available when customer survey is enabled.
SurveyNps integer The 0-10 rating of the net promoter score (NPS), only available when customer survey is enabled.
SurveyOverall integer A 1-5 rating of the overall chat engagement, only available when customer survey is enabled.
SurveyProfessionalism integer A 1-5 rating of an agent's professionalism, only available when customer survey is enabled.
SurveyResponsiveness integer A 1-5 rating of an agent's speed to respond, only available when customer survey is enabled.
TotalReassignCount integer The total count of how many agent reassignments occurred for a chat, including ACD reassignments and manual agent reassignment.
TotalResponseTime integer The total time in seconds that the customer waited for answers. Calculated as the aggregate time from every customer message to the subsequent agent reply. When there are multiple customer messages before the agent's reply, response time is calculated from the first customer message. Available for chat and message channels.
UnavailableEmailBody string The email body text entered in an unavailable email form, only available when unavailable email form is enabled.
UnavailableEmailSubject string The subject line text entered in an unavailable email form, only available when unavailable email form is enabled.
UnrespondedMessageCount integer The number of customer-sent messages received since the agent's last message.
Updated date - ISO / UTC Date and time when the <event/record> was most recently modified.
UserCategoryID numeric - ID code ID of the User Category applied to a chat during post-chat wrap-up. <None> or null refers to no User Category present on a chat.
UserStatusID numeric - ID code ID of the user status applied to a chat during post-chat wrap-up. <None> or null indicates that there is no user status present on a chat.
VideoSessionStatus   Indicates whether the chat session included a video chat:0 - Video is not active1 - Video is active
VisitCreated date - ISO / UTC Date and time when the customer's site visit was created.
VisitEmailAddress string - legal email The email address of the customer from the pre-chat survey.
VisitID numeric - ID code The identifier of a specific visit.
VisitInfo string Free-form parameter for additional customer details, can be set from the frontend
VisitorClientID numeric - ID code The customer's client ID which is generated when the chat starts. It is later used to identify the client device / session associated with the customer.
VisitorID numeric - ID code ID of the visitor / customer to whom this visit belongs.
VisitorMessageCount integer The number of customer-sent messages.
VisitPhone string - legal phone number The phone number of the customer, captured in pre-chat survey.
VisitRef string (max) Parsed from the request and primary user name, used for lookup in the contacts table to fill out RelatedToItemType and RelatedToItemId. Can be set from the frontend (pass custom information about customer).
WebsiteDefID numeric - ID code System-assigned ID of the website associated with the chat.
WindowClosed date - ISO / UTC Date and time when the chat window was closed by the customer.
XmppClientID numeric - ID code XMPP is the open standard for messaging and presence. This parameter holds the device or client ID.
XmppThread string XMPP thread identifier.
XmppUser string Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) user.
XmppUserID numeric - ID code Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) user ID.

Sample code

    "Status": "success",
    "Data": {
        "RegionCode": "NH",
        "Secured": 0,
        "WindowClosed": "2019-04-17T15:19:36.000Z",
        "UserStatusID": null,
        "InvitationTemplateVariantID": null,
        "VisitorMessageCount": 0,
        "VisitInfo": null,
        "VideoSessionStatus": null,
        "ResponseMessageCount": 0,
        "ExternalCrmType": null,
        "SurveyComments": null,
        "Embedded": 1,
        "AutoTranslate": 0,
        "InitialDepartmentID": null,
        "LastAssignedByOperatorID": null,
        "DeletedBy": null,
        "Load": null,
        "VisitCreated": "2019-04-17T15:01:21.000Z",
        "VisitRef": null,
        "IP": "",
        "Disconnected": "2019-04-17T15:19:55.000Z",
        "RedirectStatus": null,
        "ChatStatusType": 2,
        "EndedReasonType": 1,
        "BlockedBy": null,
        "LastAssignedAnswered": "2019-04-17T15:19:57.000Z",
        "VisitEmailAddress": null,
        "ClientType": 0,
        "SurveyResponsiveness": null,
        "Started": "2019-04-17T15:19:22.000Z",
        "ExternalCrmListID": null,
        "FolderID": "622107834138401481",
        "UnavailableEmailBody": null,
        "Experiments": null,
        "LastVideoSessionID": null,
        "ChatAPISettingsID": null,
        "WebsiteDefID": "2220273334141714431",
        "Created": "2019-04-17T15:17:49.200Z",
        "CustomField1ID": null,
        "ActiveAssistStatus": 0,
        "ChatType": 0,
        "LastMessagePersonType": 0,
        "OperatorMessageCount": 0,
        "UnavailableEmailSubject": null,
        "Deleted": null,
        "VisitorID": "623452161739984523",
        "AutoAnswerQuestionCount": null,
        "AccountID": "627499986405274345",
        "ACDReassignCount": 0,
        "UserCategoryID": null,
        "LastOperatorLanguageCode": null,
        "Ended": "2019-04-17T15:19:58.000Z",
        "XmppUserID": null,
        "RequestedOperatorID": null,
        "RelatedToItemID": null,
        "AssignedByAPI": 0,
        "ExternalCrmItemID": null,
        "ChatButtonDefID": "623337425621769004",
        "ScheduleHistoryToEmailAddress": null,
        "ChatWindowDefID": "623235294696316834",
        "SurveyOverall": null,
        "VisitID": "623452161214885750",
        "PostChatCustomFieldAnswerStatus": 0,
        "LanguageCode": "en-US",
        "ChatUrl": "",
        "OperatorCustomFields": {
            "CustomWrapUpField": ""},
        "CustomField2ID": null,
        "XmppClientID": null,
        "LastACDStarted": "2019-04-17T15:19:22.000Z",
        "PageType": 1,
        "ActiveAssistDisabled": 0,
        "CustomUrl": null,
        "XmppUser": null,
        "Availability": 0,
        "MaxQueuePosition": 0,
        "SurveyKnowledge": null,
        "Updated": "2019-04-17T15:49:36.553Z",
        "Priority": null,
        "ChatName": "Customer",
        "City": "New Boston",
        "ChatID": "623452170842000390",
        "OperatorLanguageCode": null,
        "CustomFields": {},
        "ExperimentDate": null,
        "AreaCode": 603,
        "LastName": null,
        "TotalResponseTime": 0,
        "FlaggedBy": null,
        "ACDAssignmentExpires": null,
        "OperatorID": "5676748830204723022",
        "LastVisitorMessageSent": null,
        "VisitorClientID": "8333780406103227015",
        "IncidentID": null,
        "SurveyProfessionalism": null,
        "UnrespondedMessageCount": 0,
        "TotalReassignCount": 1,
        "SurveyNps": null,
        "RelatedToItemType": 0,
        "XmppThread": null,
        "DepartmentID": null,
        "DueDate": null,
        "CountryCode": "US",
        "InitialQuestion": null,
        "ReverseIP": "",
        "VisitPhone": null,
        "EndedBy": "5676748830204723022",
        "Answered": "2019-04-17T15:19:57.000Z",
        "AutoTranslateAllowOriginal": 1,
        "Closed": "2019-04-17T15:20:58.000Z",
        "Flagged": null