Bold360 and BoldChat Developer Center

Experiment Reports

Important: Reports generated through the API are not visible in Bold360 reports.

To generate reports, see Reports.

Experiment Summary report

For chat buttons, provides the number of customers to whom each button was presented and the number who accepted (clicked to chat). For invitations, provides the number of customers invited and the number who accepted (clicked to chat).

Input parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
ReportType integer yes For this report, report type ID is 69.
Grouping string yes The grouping key which varies by report. Available groupings are:
  • experiment

FromDate iso8601 date-time yes The starting date for the report.
ToDate iso8601 date-time yes The ending date for the report. For information on the syntax of the date-time parameters, see
Filters string no The filters are additional parameters that can be passed to the runReport call. The following filters are available:
  • ExperimentGroupID

  • WebsiteDefID

Experiment Detail report

For chat buttons, provides the number of customers to whom each button was presented and the number who accepted (clicked to chat). For invitations, provides the number of customers invited per test invitation and the number who accepted, declined, or ignored.

Input parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
ReportType integer yes For this report, report type ID is 70.
Grouping string yes The grouping key which varies by report. Available groupings are:
  • experiment

FromDate iso8601 date-time yes The starting date for the report.
ToDate iso8601 date-time yes The ending date for the report. For information on the syntax of the date-time parameters, see
Filters string no The filters are additional parameters that can be passed to the runReport call. The following filters are available:
  • ExperimentGroupID

  • WebsiteDefID