Bold360 and BoldChat Developer Center


Returns website visits (page views) for a specified visit.

Additional information

If the Created parameter is not supplied, the method returns records for the last 90 days.

Input parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
VisitID numeric - ID code Yes The identifier of the visit to get page views for.
Created date - ISO / UTC No If specified, the method returns records 30 days prior to through 30 days after the given date If not specified, the method returns records for the last 90 days.

Request format

curl "$accountID/data/rest/json/v1/getPageViews?auth=$authHash&VisitID=$VisitID"

Return values

Parameters are provided in alphabetic order. See Sample code for probable output.

Parameter Type Description
AccountID numeric - ID code Bold360 product account ID.
Created date - ISO/UTC Date and time when the target resource was created.
Data text - heading JSON array heading that precedes report data output.
Ended date - ISO/UTC Date and time visit or chat ended.
PageViewID numeric - ID code A numeric identifier for a specific page view.
Status codes - set values "Success" when the call completes; "Error" when the call fails.
Truncated Boolean TRUE if results were shortened to fit the report, FALSE if full results for the report criteria were returned. If TRUE, you can filter down the results set or contact us to try to find a way to get at the data you are looking for.
Url string - legal URL The URL related to this resource.
VisitID numeric - ID code The identifier of a specific visit.
VisitorID numeric - ID code ID of the visitor / customer to whom this visit belongs.

Sample code

"Status": "success",	
"Truncated": false,	
"Data": [	
	"VisitorID": "445562450089778948",
	"AccountID": "447307266697849894",
	"Ended": "2020-11-18T21:30:32.000Z",
	"PageViewID": "445563557919057624",
	"VisitID": "445563557341851705",
	"Url": "",
	"Created": "2020-11-18T21:30:02.097Z"