Bold360 and BoldChat Developer Center


Returns chat messages for a specified chat.

Input parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
ChatID numeric - ID code Yes The identifier of the chat to get messages for.

Request format

curl "$accountID/data/rest/json/v1/getChatMessages?auth=$authHash&ChatID=$ChatID"

Return values

Parameters are provided in alphabetic order. See Sample code for probable output.

Parameter Type Description
AccountID numeric - ID code Bold360 product account ID.
CannedMessageID string (max) The ID of Canned Message configuration item used to deliver the chat message. The value is null if the Canned Message was not used.
ChatID numeric - ID code Bold360-assigned unique identifier for the chat session.
ChatMessageID numeric - ID code Unique identifier of a single chat message within the chat transcript.
Created date - ISO/UTC Date and time when the target resource was created.
Data text - heading JSON array heading that precedes report data output.
Deleted date - ISO / UTC Date and time when the item was deleted. The value is null if the item was not deleted.
HasAutoTranslationError integer Indicates whether there is an error in the Geofluent translation of a chat message. The value is null when there is no error present.
Hidden date - ISO / UTC Date and time when the chat message was hidden. The value is null if the chat message was not hidden.
LanguageCode code - ISO 639 The language of the chat, based on two-letter ISO 639-1 standard.
MessageKey code - set values Message summary statement or title.
Name string(30) The name of the folder as defined in the system.
OriginalMessageID numeric - ID code ID of the original content provided within a chat message prior to being translated. The value is null if the chat message was not translated.
PersonID string (max) The ID of the person who sent the chat message.
PersonType integer The persona of the user who sent the chat message:
  • 0 - Operator
  • 1 - Visitor / Customer
  • 2 - Email Address
  • 3 - Contact
  • 4 - System
  • 5 - Rescue System
  • 6 - Auto Message
  • 7 - Agent translated
  • 8 - Customer translated
Status codes - set values "Success" when the call completes; "Error" when the call fails.
SystemMessage string System message text. Null when there is no system message.
Text string Content of the message in HTML or text.
Truncated Boolean TRUE if results were shortened to fit the report, FALSE if full results for the report criteria were returned. If TRUE, you can filter down the results set or contact us to try to find a way to get at the data you are looking for.
VisitorFacing integer Indicates if the chat message was included in the customer-facing chat transcript; The value is null if the message was sent by a non-human PersonType.

Sample code

"Truncated": true,
    "Data": [
            "SystemMessage": null,
            "AccountID": "627499986405274345",
            "CannedMessageID": "1792142004296032200",
            "ChatMessageID": "3216359571328669457",
            "VisitorFacing": null,
            "PersonType": 0,
            "Text": "<font size=\"7\" face=\"Arial Black\">We will speak in english</font>",
            "Name": "This Is My Operator Name",
            "ChatID": "623452251678712606",
            "Created": "2019-04-17T17:31:26.247Z",
            "LanguageCode": "en-US",
            "MessageKey": null,
            "PersonID": "5676748830204723022",
            "Hidden": null,
            "HasAutoTranslationError": null,
            "Deleted": null,
            "OriginalMessageID": null