Bold360 and BoldChat Developer Center

Outbound Server Socket (OSS) messages


The first updateChat message received contains the full chat information, and subsequent calls may only update certain fields in the chat.

Parameter Type Description
ChatID string id The ID of the chat that you want to update.
Values JSON Object The detail of the chat to be updated. If this is the first message for a ChatID, then this represents all chat information. If the Values parameter is null then the record should be deleted.

Possible values for EndedReason are the following:

Value Description
unknown The chat was ended for an unknown reason.
operator The chat was ended by the agent
visitor The chat was ended by the customer
disconnect The chat was ended because the customer's WebSocket disconnected and timed out.


The first updateTyper message that is received will contain the full information about the person, and subsequent calls may only update some fields.

Parameter Type Description
PersonID string id The ID of the person whose chat you want to update.
Values JSON Object The detail of the person that you want to update. If this is the first message received for a PersonID, then this represents all person details. If the Values parameter is null then the record should be deleted.

Possible values for PersonType are the following:

Value Description
operator The agent handling the chat.
visitor The customer who is chatting (typically the API user).
system An automated message of the system.


This method is used for the customer to receive messages from the agent. The first addMessage message received contains the full information about the message, and subsequent calls may only update certain fields.

Parameter Type Description
MessageID string id The ID of the chat message that is updated.
Values JSON Object The information of the chat message to be updated. If this is the first message received for a MessageID then it contains all chat message information. If the Values parameter is null then the record should be deleted.
                "Text":"Hello World!",

Possible values for PersonType are the following:

Value Description
operator The agent handling the chat.
visitor The customer who is chatting.
system An automated message of the system.


Textual message to be displayed to customers while they are waiting for the chat to be answered.

Parameter Type Description
Text string Textual message to display while the customer is waiting.
            "Text":"Thank you for your patience, we will be with you soon."


Provides information about the status of the customer's chat while waiting for an agent.

Parameter Type Description
Position integer Position in the queue. When zero, it indicates the chat is no longer in queue and is waiting to be answered by the assigned agent. In this case, the queue position message should be hidden. The chat may still be placed back to queue if the agent does not answer.
UnavailableFormEnabled boolean If this parameter is true and the user cancels waiting for the chat to be answered, then the unavailable email form should be displayed to the customer. The field information for the unavailable form can be retrieved by the getUnavailableForm method.


Notifies the visitor that the agent has requested an Active Assist session. The customer should be prompted to allow the session, and then the acceptActiveAssist method should be called. If Active Assist is not supported then these messages can be ignored.

Parameter Type Description
ActiveAssistID string id The ID of the Active Assist session that is requested.
ActiveAssistType string The type of Active Assist session being requested.

Possible values for ActiveAssistType are the following:

Value Description
screenshare The agent requests to see the entire screen of the customer's computer or device.
cobrowse The agent requests to see only the customer's browser.


Receive updated information about an active Active Assist message. If there is no Active Assist session then these messages should be ignored.

Param Type Description
ActiveAssistID string id The Active Assist session to be updated.
Values JSON Object The information of the Active Assist session to be updated. If this is the first message received for an ActiveAssistID then this represents all chat message information. If the Values parameter is null then the record should be deleted.