Bold360 and BoldChat Developer Center

Development workflow

Here are things to remember when using the Bold360 AI APIs for development.

Your management plan for code and content hosted on local or cloud-based servers should typically involve a CMS of some sort. Create a plan for managing the following code and content through the stages of development, testing, and production.

  • Client-side code. This includes JavaScript and other client-side code. For example, your web pages will contain code that adds Bold360 AI widgets to the pages.
  • Server-side code. Many organizations have server-side code, for example on an API gateway, that in turn connects with the Bold360 AI server.
  • Support center code. Significant portions of the code for support centers are stored and run from the Bold360 AI Console and are managed there. You may want to store reference copies of these page templates in your CMS system.
  • Knowledge base content. Articles and related content are also stored and managed by the Bold360 AI Console. You can export your knowledge base content to a spreadsheet or CSV file that can be managed as a backup in your CMS system.
  • Widget configurations: Personalization settings for floating and embedded widgets are stored and managed by the Bold360 AI Console, but you can export these settings to a JSON configuration file that can be managed as a backup in your CMS system.

Determine a plan for moving through the stages of development, testing, and production for your Bold360 solutions. This plan should maintain separate environments for development, testing, and production deployment.

Because Bold360 AI and Bold360 are SaaS products, you should pay attention to notifications of software updates and release notes. Schedule your website and application testing accordingly.